Best Times To Offer Your Pet Hemp Treats

16 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog


Hemp has many amazing uses in society. Medicines, fabrics, papers, and other such things have all been manufactured using this material. Another product utilizing hemp that has seemed to fly under the radar a bit is hemp treats for pets, such as those made by RxCBD. If you have a dog at home that you love dearly, then hemp treats for pets could be a good dietary supplement in certain situations. Some of these situations are detailed below.

Times of Stress

As your pet's guardian, you know best what will set off anxiety. By using hemp pet treats, you can help your dog better cope with the situations that you know to be triggers for panic and stress. Some of the common situations for pet owners to use this product in this manner are as follows:

  1. Traveling: Most dogs have a hard time being cramped in planes or cars for long trips.
  2. Holidays with Fireworks: Studies have shown that more pets are lost over the 4th of July weekend than any other day in the year. Fireworks trigger stress in many dogs.
  3. Big Storms: Heavy winds and thunder have been known to be very stressful to animals. This is especially true for animals that have been exposed to the elements during storms.

Vet and Grooming Visits

It is a rare dog who enjoys going to the vet. Many dogs have canine versions of panic attacks when they sense the car getting close to the regular route to the vet's office. If you are tired of your dog having a melt down when you are just trying to do what your best friend needs most, then hemp treats for pets could be helpful.

This will only work if you limit these treats to their trips to places like the vet or the groomers. While they may never love the idea of getting shots or being in that strange environment, they can at least be more calm. They will also begin to associate something good with these events.

When You Have Company

Even the best-trained dogs can get a little over excited when new people come to the house. If you have a dog who loves company a little too much, then you can use hemp pet treats to help them mellow down a bit in these moments. They will still be sociable and fun, but will be able to contain their excitement a little easier. 

These are just a few of the many good ways to use these natural and safe dog treats. Always be sure to follow the directions so you know the proper amount for your dog. This is generally based on weight, age, and temperament.