How Cat Fences Can Help You And Your Adopted Feline Friend

29 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog


Are you the owner of a rescued semi-feral cat? Does your cat try to get outside, but you're worried about him or her being hurt or killed while running around? Although allowing your cat to roam freely around your neighborhood may not be a good idea, it may still be possible to give your furry friend some of the freedom that he or she craves while still keeping him or her safe. A cat fence can be a great compromise between your cat's natural desires and your wish to keep your feline safe. Here are some of the advantages of having a cat fence put in:

Small chance of escape: When looking at cat fencing supplies, one of the first things you may notice is that the fence is built to angle in, towards the fenced in area. This helps prevent your cat from being able to jump on top of the fence and climbing over. If your cat does manage to leap up and grab one of these top fence segments, they will swing downward to dump him or her back onto the ground. Aside from being difficult to overcome, it can only take a few such experiments for your cat to decide that he or she doesn't like this experience at all.

Add to almost any fence: If you don't already have a fenced-in yard, you'll obviously need to have one installed if you hope to contain your pet. However, many cat fencing supplies can be added to existing fences. This results in a much lower expense than if it were necessary to tear down your existing fence just to add one that is cat-safe. This lowered cost can allow you to give your cat access to an even larger outdoor area than you might have otherwise thought possible.

Intellectual stimulation: Sitting inside all day can be very boring for a cat. Things are always almost exactly the same. This is why your cat may be trying to escape from your home, even if he or she otherwise loves being part of your household. When you install cat fencing supplies and let your cat roam in the yard, there will be so much more for him or her to do. Your cat will be able to watch birds, chase insects, and even communicate with cats on the other side of the fence. All of these things provide stimulation for your cat, giving him or her the intellectual challenges that he or she has been craving.