Snakes As Alternative Pets for Allergy Sufferers

13 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog


Are you allergic to most furry animals? Do you want to keep a pet but are thwarted by things like sneezing fits and watery eyes? Although furry animals are cute, they're not the only animals that can be kept as pets. Here are some reasons why you should consider corn snakes and other reptiles as a viable pet alternative:

Needs little room: If you've ever even considered snakes as pets before, you may only have heard about snakes that get to be enormous, like boas or pythons. But there are many snakes that remain relatively small for their whole lives. Although they can grow to be five or six feet in length, an adult corn snake may only be a couple feet in length when fully grown. When looking for corn snakes for sale, look for these smaller but fully grown specimens. Smaller snakes will need smaller terrariums, meaning there will be less expense to you.

Unlikely to cause injury: Cats and dogs will both bite and scratch, depending on their mood. Even with training, they may lash out when scared or otherwise excited. On the other hand, when you look at corn snakes for sale, you should immediately notice how calm and docile they can be. Without arms and legs, a corn snake is unable to scratch anyone, even when excited about being held. Unlike cats, dogs, and some other types of snake that you may find for sale, a corn snake is generally very reluctant to bite humans. In addition, their small size means that even if they do get aggravated enough to bite for some reason, the wound should be much less serious than the bite of a small dog or a cat.

Easy to care for: Cats have litter boxes that need to be cleaned out all of the time. Dogs need to be walked several times a day. They also need to be fed and watered daily. In comparison, snakes need almost no care. You'll need to clean out their terrarium every week or so, but they certainly don't need to be fed every day. Unlike furry animals, a snake won't feel neglected and damage your couch or other belongings if you stay out too late. This makes snakes a great choice for people who lead busy lifestyles. You can work late, go out partying, or take a brief vacation without needing to worry about your snake being left home alone during this time.